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What We Do

We partner with churches in Asia and South America, equipping them to use vibrant day camps to reach children. We're raising up generations of Jesus-centered leaders.

1. Partner with churches globally

1. Train Pastors to reach children through camps

Our method of bringing children to Jesus is astonishingly simple and effective because it works through existing churches. We work with an in-country leader to train pastors to reach young people through day camps. The lead pastor from each participating church is required to attend our pastor’s training each year. This ensures ongoing training and guidance. We accept churches from any denomination who are in agreement with our Statement of Faith.

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2. Hold camps for children

Once pastors are trained on how to run safe and effective camps, their church invites 8-15 year-old children from their neighborhood to attend day camps at their church. This is similar to ‘Vacation Bible School’ in North America. Children are taught about Jesus and begin their relationship with them. They sing, do crafts, eat, and play sports. For many children, this is the first time they hear about a God who loves them, values them, and wants to know them. This message is something their previous religions never offered. What a joy to learn about Jesus!

3.) Train children to grow in Jesus

‘Discipleship’ is the process of training someone to become like Jesus Christ. That’s our specialty! Over 90% of children who start a relationship with Jesus during our camps attend a weekly follow-up time at the local church, similar to ‘Sunday School’ in North America. Follow-up happens the entire year after the day camps.  There is no ‘off season’. Church leaders are committed; investing time into these children. This is where the real impact happens. It’s transformational! Thousands of children who attended our camps as far back as 20 years ago and left their families' religions are now Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers, church-planters, parents, and business people. Children grow into adults who are introducing untold numbers of people to our Lord and Savior. The impact of children’s camps is exponential over time.

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Reach, 2023


Camp attendees, 2003-2023


Children reached by our partners in 2023


Participating churches, 2023

Children's Camps International is a uniquely cost-effective ministry because we work through existing churches. In fact, the churches who partner with us cover most of the cost! Our goal is to help the churches take ownership of the day camps over time and to be less reliant on international funding.


As a result, for every $5 (approx.) donated to Children's Camps International in Canada in 2023, another child attended was able to attend camp and one year of follow up (discipleship) training.


The vast majority of children we reach were raised in a non-christian home, begin a relationship with Jesus and attend our weekly follow-up program in the church. Your generous donations helping millions of people discover eternal life in Jesus Christ!


Millions Still To Reach

There are currently over 5,000 churches on the waiting list to join our ministry, and more being added all the time. This represents millions of souls available to be reached through our mission!


As the Lord continues to connect us with our cherished partners, we will continue to grow in new regions and countries. 


We are immensely grateful to you, our partners, for investing into the mission of Children's Camps International. With your support we will partner with more churches to bring Jesus to more children.

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