Above: one of our many Camp Counselor training sessions. Hundreds, or thousands of people attend each of our events.
Our Country Leaders are now planning the 2024 Pastor Training and Camp Counselor Training events. Over 10,000 Christian camp Counselors and several thousand Pastors are expected to join our training events this spring!
These events are a critical part of what we do at Children's Camps International. Here, our dedicated volunteers are taught how to run safe and effective day camps that bring the good news of Jesus to the children in addition to the activities you'd normally expect; crafts, singing, and sports.
Our Pastors and Counselors are trained each year to have the children attend our weekly follow-up program. The weekly follow-up program is a required commitment by every Pastor we partner with. This is a year-round weekly event at the local church where children are given a Bible, and continue to grow in their relationship with Jesus. Amazingly, over 90% of the children who attend our camps are involved with our weekly follow-up program.
We consider the follow-up program to be the most important ingredient in the success and longevity of our ministry. We are so grateful that the Lord is using His Church across the earth to connect dedicated leaders who have a heart for reaching their communities with the good news of Jesus!
Please pray for our Pastors and Counselors as they travel to attend.